Video: Open-source learning from Richard Baraniuk

I found this list of 25 TED talk videos worth watching. I’ve already referred several times to the inspirational talk by Sir Ken Robinson on Educational Transformation, and I’m slowly wading my way through the rest of them. I cam across this one by Richard Baraniuk this evening … I liked it, I hope you do too.

“Rice University professor Richard Baraniuk explains the vision behind Connexions, his open-source, online education system. It cuts out the textbook, allowing teachers to share and modify course materials freely, anywhere in the world.”

Richard “has a giant vision: to create a free global online education system that puts the power of creation and collaboration in the hands of teachers worldwide. He’s realizing that vision with Connexions, a website that allows teachers to quickly “create, rip, mix and burn” coursework — without fear of copyright violations. Think of it as Napster for education.”