Can anybody hear me?

I came across this post by Steve Wheeler last night – “Can anybody hear me?” – and really felt for him. We’ve all been in the situation he found himself in at some time or another; technology fails us right about 20 seconds after the technical support team leave the building! Thanks guys.

Steve makes some brilliant points, and it’s worth casting your eye over the slides he’s shared on SlideShare; they’re still informative even without his narration.

  • Edupunk: the term can be interpreted as “against everything”. Like Marlon Brando in The Wild One, they’re rebelling against whatever it is you want them to conform to.
  • VLEs/LMSs/CMSs: restrictive medium for learning materials.
  • PLE (Personal Learning Environment): Some say this has been born from the philosophy of the Edupunk, but I say it is the natural successor to the VLE/LMS/CME generation (does that make me an Edupunk?)

Don’t give up Steve, the technology can be a wonderful thing when it works!