Your Professional Profile

What is your ‘professional profile? How do you ensure you keep your online profile, your ‘digital footprint’, consistent and professional, your contact list up to date with you career, growing your network of influence whilst keeping your skill base and research activities up to date and relevant? One way is with with LinkedIn:

YouTube: What is LinkedIn?

Whether you are actively looking for work, passively looking for a new challenge or not, doesn’t matter, your LinkedIn profile is being found and searched, it is being used to form an opinion of you, and it could (should) be working for you in your absence.

When was the last time you looked at your own profile critically, and what did you think – is it an accurate representation that you are happy with? If not then go and do something about it.

If, like me, you have put some effort into your profile (David Hopkins on LinkedIn) and are reasonably happy with it, then there is always room for a little improvement, and you will like this post by Sue Beckingham ‘How to Network Professionally Online‘.

PS: I’m always happy to share and connect online, just use the little Social Media icons to the right to see the different networks I’m active on including Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.