Power of the Internet

In the US they have, or had, SOPA (Stop Internet Piracy Act). In the UK we’re getting OSB (Online Safety Bill).

Google has announced a new project – Take Action – that asks you to tell your story about the Internet and share it. By posting to Twitter (using the hashtag #ourweb), and other Social Networks, Google hopes to build momentum and keep the politicians  and policy advisers on their proverbial back-foot

I put my two-pennies worth in: I steered clear of trying to be poetic, funny, or inspiring, but wanted to show what the Internet and Social Media has come to mean to me:

This is for me personally and what I hope those I interact with (students, colleagues, network, etc) online. This is what the Internet can be used for, as a ‘power’ for good where anyone and everyone can “share, learn, teach, grow, help, and inspire” those around them.

Here are a collection of other responses I liked, based on how I think the Internet can and ought to be used (with an education tendency):


What does the Internet mean to you?