QR Code Trend Infographic #QRCode
For those interested in QR Codes, whether it’s for marketing or generally linking paper-to-digital materials then this infographic is worth looking at. It’s just using the basic facts that have been reported in the past few weeks (e.g. 14 million US people scanned a code last year – 2011).
Click the image to view the full infographic.
I’m not surprised that nearly half of the scans were to get some form or discount, the whole point of the encouraging people to Scan the code is to somehow give them something in return.
This Calvin Klein video is a good example of giving the public something, giving them a reason to scan the code – the advert was too ‘raunchy’ for the billboard (deliberate?) so you scan the code to get the explicit video. Good marketing.
Dont’ forget the BU and HEA joint workshop on January 31st, 2012 on “Using QR Codes in Higher Education”. More information here: bs1.bmth.ac.uk/QRCodes/
I am constantly seeing advertisements that read “scan here for exclusive discounts!’. I believe people will take a little extra time to scan the code if they can get something out of it. On the other hand, if the purpose of scanning the code is just to read more information on the product or service, people are likely not to waste their time. I completely agree that in order to successfully get people to scan the code, companies have to offer them something for their time.
I dont think you have to you have to offer them something you just have to make them appealing and covetable when the information is offered. Tailored QR codes, called Maze QR’s or mazes, are just that and they are scanned out of pure amazement. Dont you think?