Presentation: Social Media #BUCareersForum

Presented at today’s BU Careers Forum (organised by an excellent set of BU students, thank you very much!) the slides (including YouTube videos) were well received and sparked an interesting debate that continues from the debate and comments received after previous presentations on Social Media.

Myself and Deborah Sadd (@deborahsadd) received the brief of developing a 40 minute workshop that would;

“inform students on the benefits and disadvantages on social media. So for example how students should monitor Facebook with potential employers, using Linked In, Twitter, etc. and how to use these to create an advantage rather than disadvantaging their appearance. If possible, we would like to put a focus somewhere along the line on how to use Linked In as we have found students are struggling when trying to use it. “

Please click the image to view the slides.

What students (and all of us, for that matter) need to realise is that everything online is preservable; what we say, what we buy, what we ‘like’, what we moan about, what we upload, who we’re tagged with and where, etc. We have a digital footprint that, for the most part, we have no control over. I am not saying “don’t do … ” or anything of the sort, just merely that you should be aware of what you are doing, consider it, act accordingly and accept the consequences (if there are any that aren’t justified).

… and here is the happy team!

From L to R: Mary-Beth Gouthro, Debbie Sadd, David Hopkins, Masters student, and Karen Ward
From L to R: Mary-Beth Gouthro, Debbie Sadd, David Hopkins, Masters student, and Karen Ward