The Future of Education: EPIC 2020
Thanks to Jane Hart and Jay Cross for directing me to this video:
“2011, Badges as credentials, 160,000 students in a MOOC, peer-ratings = students teaching students, Udacity charges 20% finder’s fees for grads, MITx, TEDed, free, student loan overhang, tuition going up …. free content, pay only for assessment, transferable credits based on ability, Apple buys Amazon, iTunesU becomes the ed app platform, preference matching, Google buys Udacity and Khan Academy, tied to education model, most colleges wait it out as badges replace degrees, residential college campuses are for the children of the wealthy only, Google unleashes EPIC the all-knowing learning system, 2020”
Take it with a pinch of salt, but think about how feasible this scenario is?
“In 2018 badges replace degrees as the preferred skill validation for companies. Except for the elite Universities companies no longer recruit on campus, preferring instead the lifelong learning and training approaches of ‘Apple-zon’ and Google.”
“EPIC – the Evolving Personal Information Construct. EPIC not only understands everything that you know but also it knows everything that you need to know to be successful in your professional, social, and personal life. EPIC constructs and provides just-in-time knowledge and information that keeps you current and synchronised with everyone around you.”
I’m brazilian teacher and sometime I use video of Khan Academy in my class. I think it’s a nice idea that organization in helping children and young. It’s a great tool for work and enriches our class. I really think in the near future our class will need to be interactive. Our current system is obsolete. Tânia
Hi Tânia.
I’ll admit that I have not actually watched a Khan Academy video in full yet, but that’s more to the fact that the subject matter does not interest me than anything else. I have watched enough to see the style and technique used and agree that the simplicity of approach and the way in which complex ideas are explained are helpful to some students.
My worry with this is that students (and teachers) will rely on one source (e.g. Kahn) instead of engaging each other as well as reading around the subject to get a wider understanding of the topic. I’ts like claiming you’ve read and ‘know’ Macbeth when all you’ve done is read the ‘Macbeth for dummies’ booklet.
All the best, David