Managing project creep

Project creep, also known as ‘scope creep’, is a common challenge in project management, particularly in the dynamic field of online course development.

It occurs when a project’s scope expands uncontrollably or unexpectedly, adding new features, tasks, or deliverables without corresponding adjustments to the timeline, budget, or resources. This phenomenon can have significant repercussions, including timeline delays, increased costs, compromised quality, diminished team morale, and stakeholder dissatisfaction.

In the context of designing and developing online courses, project creep can manifest in several ways. For example, additional videos or interactive simulations, the incorporation of extra reading activities covering more topics, or the demand for a tighter delivery timeline can all impact development and increase costs. These changes often require continuous revisions, disrupting the planned workflow and creating confusion and inefficiency within the team. Additionally, these unscheduled changes might not have the opportunity to engage the same rigorous quality control as the original components, leading to inconsistencies or errors in the final learning. The complexity of the course structure can also increase, making it harder for learners to navigate and understand the material.

Moreover, the constant addition of new requirements can create a high-pressure environment, leading to stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction among the team. Persistent project creep can result in frustration and reduced morale, as team members might feel their efforts are constantly shifting without a clear end in sight. This can also affect stakeholder satisfaction, as uncontrolled scope changes may lead to misaligned expectations between stakeholders and the development team, resulting in dissatisfaction and potential conflict. Stakeholders might lose confidence in the team’s ability to deliver a final product on time and within budget.

To mitigate the risks associated with project creep, it is crucial to address as many features and factors of course design and development upfront, during the ‘planning or discovery phase‘. This helps in setting clear expectations and understanding potential changes as the project progresses. One of the primary questions to ask is, “What are the core objectives and deliverables of this online course?” Clear definitions of the project and objectives from the outset ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and aware of the project’s primary goals.

Another important question is, “What are the must-have features versus the nice-to-have features?” Prioritising features and tasks can help the team focus on the most critical elements up front while being empowered to tackle less essential additions in future phases or updates. Additionally, asking, “What are the potential risks and how can they be mitigated?” allows the team to anticipate and plan for potential challenges, including those that could lead to scope changes.

Implementing a formal change control process is also vital. Questions such as, “How will changes to the project scope be evaluated and approved?” and “What criteria will be used to assess the impact of proposed changes on time, cost, and resources?” help establish a clear protocol for managing scope changes. Regular communication with stakeholders is equally important, with questions like, “How often will progress updates be provided?” and “How will stakeholder feedback be incorporated into the project?” ensuring ongoing alignment and expectation management.

Lastly, it is essential to allocate buffer time and resources within the project plan to accommodate potential scope changes. Asking “What contingency plans are in place for unexpected changes or delays?” helps prepare the team for unforeseen circumstances, ensuring that they can adapt without significant disruption to the project timeline or budget.

By implementing effective project management strategies, teams designing and developing online courses can better manage the onset or likelihood of project creep. A proactive approach such as this helps ensure that the project can remain on track, and within budget, and the team can deliver a high-quality learning experience for students.

Photo by David Wright on Unsplash