10 claims about Technology and Learning #edtech

Classroom Sign: The Mess

I will not copy the whole post from Joshua Kim but strongly recommend you read his original article for the whole picture, not just my interpretation – ‘10 dubious claims about Technology and Learning‘.

Here are Joshua’s claims he wants to refute:

  1. The quality of courses has remained more or less constant over the past decade. Untrue.
  2. Campus investments on technology have been focused on equipment or software rather than teaching and learning. Misleading.
  3. People who work in academic technology are primarily technologists. Untrue.
  4. Tenured faculty are not innovative in integrating technology into their teaching. Untrue.
  5. Non-tenure track, part-time, adjunct and visiting faculty are less innovative in integrating technology into their teaching. Untrue.
  6. The demand for new methods of teaching, such as flipped classrooms and blended learning, is coming from the students. Untrue.
  7. The learning management system (LMS) has been a negative force for student learning. Untrue.
  8. Mobile learning on tablets or smart phones will displace learning done on laptops by 2020. Half true.
  9. People who work in academic technology do not understand the motivations or constraints of faculty. Untrue.
  10. Residential education and face-to-face learning will largely be replaced by online learning by 2020. Untrue.

A lot of what Joshua covers here I would agree with. I would hope that teachers and educators are always trying to improve their materials (or at least bring them up to date with changes to their fields or subject disciplines), or they are trying to bring something to the learning environment (face-to-face or online) that encourages and engages their learners, or that they will be signposting the learning outcomes in relation to the learning modules and materials. But I know I am being overly optimistic. I know this is not always the case.

I also know that if the students want something, and put pressure on their teacher, then they often get it. What would you prefer – to try new things and learn whether they work or not with your students, or have students ask you to do something one of your colleagues is already doing (if they even get to asking, some may just complain or moan, ot just not bother to turn up)?

I refer you back to the video about students and their voice as active learners and this quote:

“Do you recognise me? Very soon I will be changing the world, but I need you. If you’re ready to help me I’ll find you, but it’s your challenge to keep up with me. I’m a digital native, an Active Learner. Listen to me, help me. Together we can create the future.”

Image source: Classroom Sign: The Mess from Krissy.Venosdale (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)