Battleships (14) / #100DaysToOffload

One thing is for certain, I’m getting more and more grumpy and bad-tempered as I read more and more about the lockdown, missed chances at preventing the spread of Covid, the uselessness of those who are supposed to be protecting the country (not profiting from it), and the endless doomscrolling I find myself caught up in.

Which is why I’m spending more time offline, either reading or playing a board game with my kids. By the way, I get distracted very easily so I find board games hard to focus and actually want to play. But I love playing Battleships.

I played it with my brother and Dad, I played it with friends (even after I got my first computers) and we took it on family trips. I was always jealous of that one friend who had the electronic version, although it was the same game, just with an added light show and simple, early 8-bit sound effects.

No, I don’t always win. Yes, there have been times I’ve cheated to let my kids win (when they first started playing). No, it’s not a waste of time. Yes, we have fun and have competitions and a leaderboard.

Fun times, unplugged, and with my family. Doesn’t get any better than that!

Photo by Darren Nunis on Unsplash