Google Maps + Photos
I’ve not seen this before – when viewing Google Maps on Streetview you can overlay photos on the view! This is a Streetview of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, with a geo-tagged photo overlaid on the Google view:
The Panoramio photos (only these?) have been available on Streetview for a couple of years now, and are skewed to match the current Streetview so expect some distortion, but this is a great way to see a town or area through someone else’s eyes – surely this has great potential for classrooms and teachers who want more than just the Google view?
How good would this be if a museum (or anyone for that matter) published old photos of a town in a way that current students could use Streetview to see how the area used to look? If this has been done (and not an App!) then please leave a comment with a link so we can all see it?
Update: After some searching I found this post on the Mashable website “Google merges Streetview with user photos“.