Update: my CMALT portfolio #CMALT

From my work and continued reading/research around the topic and discipline of ‘Learning Technology’ I have come into contact with some wonderful people, and some even more amazing ideas. I’ve mentioned some of my work in previous blog posts, notably the following:

So, if I started the process in 2009, why has it taken so long to get to where I am today? There is no simple answer, there could be plenty of excuses, and a few reasons. Ultimately it has just been about time and motivation – by the time I have the motivation I have no time left, despite filling in my calendar with specific slots to dedicate to it. Something always comes up and needs attention first!

So, what am I doing? I’ve created a Google ‘site’ for my portfolio and, when I can spare more than a few minutes, I add and update the materials I have already collated together. Finding elements and examples of my work that fit the category is not that difficult, but matching them to the ‘categories’ of evidence, and reflecting on them to the standard required for accreditation is difficult.

When I’ve finished my portfolio, and received notification I have had success with my CMALT application I will release the portfolio for everyone to view, and on my main CMALT page.

I would also like to thank Sue Beckingham who, at the recent Future of Technology in Education 2011 (#fote11) Conference in London spurred me on to “get my finger out” and get this thing finished. Sue’s idea of a regular ‘kick’ up the behind is a good idea, especially as we have Twitter and other social networks in common and can quickly and easily share ideas and progress:

So Sue, how are you getting along?

I have also found the shared/public portfolios of successful candidates a huge boost to my own self-esteem and progress, of which a few are linked below:

If you are already in the process of working on your CMALT portfolio, please drop me a line, perhaps we can help each out. If you have already completed it, and want to share your work then please do so here too.