Enhancing Dropbox with ‘Dropbox Forms’ #Dropbox

If, like me, you are a user and fan of Dropbox then you’ll be looking for ways to enhance how you use it. There have been some excellent guides on how to use and abuse it (links below) but here is another great way … Dropbox Forms!

Here, watch this:

Jotform Dropbox Video from Interlogy Internet Technologies on Vimeo.

As the promotional blurb says:

“Create a dropbox form and we will create a folder named Jotform in your Dropbox. When you get a new upload, it will be there instantly. No mess, no BS.”

So, how can I use it? Well, I’m not advocating using it instead of a VLE, but those who don’t have or use their VLE you could set up the form for students / peers / etc to upload files? I’m sure there are other uses beyond this, and some might even be better than Google Docs (?) … if you think of anything, please share using the comments below.

Further Dropbox resources: