Making it Personal, July 8th

Isn’t it always the case; someone asks you to keep your eyes open for eLearning Conferences, as they want to attend a few this year, and you end up in the driving seat with a poster presentation to make.

I’ve not done anything like this before so am not sure what to make or the whole process (especially the ‘presenting’ side of it) but am working towards the “Making it Personal” Conference at the University of Greenwich on July 8th, 2009;

“The personalising of learning is a journey towards full learner customization and autonomy. Fundamentally, it is as much about attitudes to and perceptions of the learner and the changing role of the teacher as it is about the policies, processes, and practices that contribute to institutional change. For many institutions, a first step towards personalisation is achieved by ‘adapting’ existing teaching, learning and assessment services. Ultimately, they will need to be prepared to work in partnership with learners to generate new forms of learning, teaching and assessment in which student-derived goals, flexibility and choice leading to greater self-regulation and the co-creation of knowledge.”

If you have any experiences you’d like to share about conferences, posters,  presentation, etc, then please let me know what I’ve let myself in for!!