‘Bring Your Own Device for Learning’ #BYOD4L @MELSIGUK

New Year, new challenges, new opportunities. That’s as much happy stuff I can muster at the moment – it’s the 3rd day back to work after a wonderful, but tiring, 2-week festive break and I’ve got a stinker of a cold (not that you wanted to hear that).

So, to start the year on a positive note this course, ‘Bring Your Own Device for Learning’, not only attracted my attention but I was also invited to help create and facilitate it. Running from January 27th to 31st, the ‘Bring Your Own Device for Learning’ (BYOD4L) short (open) course, is from the Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group. Participants will be able to immerse themselves (students or teachers) in a range of opportunities to explore the use of smart devices for learning and teaching in their professional context in an immersive, open and collaborative environment.

Devised by Sue Beckingham and Chrissi Nerantzi, the course will bring like-minded teachers and learners together in an environment where connection, collaboration, curation, creation, and communication in and around mobile/smart devices are used (or could/should be used) from those with experience and those looking to gain experience and insight into this field of ‘technology-enhanced learning’.

YouTube: BYOD4Learning course designer and facilitator

“…the topics and activities provide a scaffold for learning and introduce participants to progressively more complex uses in bite-size learning chunks that trigger interest, engagement and help them to make connections to people, ideas and reflect on their own practice.In BYOD4Learning we are all learners and support each other! Let’s share what we know to grow as a community!”

Website: http://byod4learning.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @MELSIGUK
Hashtag: #BYOD4L

Participants will also be able to earn badges for their engagement in each activity/learning scenario as well as a final sixth badge for completing the whole course.

The course is part of a fuller investigation into mobile learning and this is your opportunity to be involved in this and much more. Join us on January 27th when it starts!